Данные о компании:
Компания производит:
086 90010 -1024P Bohre 12mmШ 9-30 VDC 12-30V~08690210, 9-30V, 1200P/S Ser No:20180136~ Leine & Linde~3200051, 500P,
9-30V SER NO,23190708~5 90 110 1024, CABLE 1.5M~5 900 020 1024, CABLE 1.5M~5 900016 1024/50 S/N:21300082 Encoder
A: 1024 Pulse / 18-30V Encoder B: 50 Pulse / 9-30V~5-007391-1024/1024~5-007391-1024-1024~520 00 51-1024~520-0251-1000
1000P 9-30VDC HTL shaft:10mmШ~520-026011 36OP~Leine & Linde~520-026011, 360PPR~520-026011-0360 #507729-04 RSI
503 52 10wf 5VDC 360ppr TTL Ax 10pMS~520-026012, 3600PPR~521 0051 / 512~521 0051-1024 INCREMENTAL ENCODER
1024 PULSES PER SECOND 6 CHANNELS, RS 422~OUTPUT SHAFT 10mm CABLE RADIAL 1.5m 9…30VDC~068 90002~521-
0051, 512PPR~521-0051, 56PPR~521-0051-1024~521-0051-512~5210051, 512PULSE, 9-30V~522 00 51-1024 ( NEW NO.)~068
90000/1024PPR/18-30VDC~ Leine & Linde~522 0051-1024 1024 PULSES/ROTATION 9…5 VDC~06890000 is mechanical and
electrical fully compatible. ~Leine & Linde~522 0051-1024 9 .. 5 V DC~522 0051-xxxx 9 .. 5 V DC~MODEL : 6890000~5220051
RS522 1024 10mmШ 1,5M Cable radial 9-30V~522-0051 1024P 18-30VDC~522-0051/1024 9-30VDC radial 1,5m cable shaft
10mmШ~530 0052-3600~5300052 (3600PR, 9-30VDC)~530 0052-5000~5300052 (5000PR, 9-30VDC)~5300051 Serial No.
17440203 Res. 100 PPR 9-30V~5300151~#5806031 1024Pulse, 18-30V, S/N:0340072~530-0151-05~5300151, 5ppr, 9-30VDC~
5300151-1024~ 5806031 PPR : 1024 VDC : 18~30~560 0051-500 12mmШ 9-30VDC~Leine & Linde~Leine & Linde~5600051 SER
NO : 5340001 RES : 500PPR VOLT : 9~30V~562-58211-1024 PPR~5-626391-1024-1024 shaft 10mmШ, radial, cable 1 M, 5VDC
double~5-626391-1024-1024~5626391~Leine & Linde~670001318-56 Absolut Encoder~861 00 55 – 4096~18690010 RES 4048 PPR
12-30V~8610055 INCREMENTAL ENCODER~18690010 1024PPR 9-30VDC~8610055, 2048P~861-0055-1024~861-0055-1024 9 ..
30 V DC max 80mA~861 00 55 / 1024~861-0055-1024~8610055(Res 1024 ppr. 30V)~861-0055-2048 9-30 VDC~861-0055-2048
2.048P 9-30 VDC~861-0055-2048 9-30VDC~861-0055-2048 9-30VDC, 2048P, max.500U/min. Radial, bore 12mmШ, IP5~861-0055-
2048 XH861, 12mm rad. PG. 9-30V 2048PPR~861-0055-2048~ 8610055 SER NO : 22100376 2048PPR VOLT : 9~30~861-0056-
1024 CABLE 5M~861-0056-1024~ 186-90211-1024PULSE, SHAFT: 12Шmm~861-0155-2048RPM with ADS 2048P, 9-30VDC, bore
12mmШ, IP5 max 500 l/min~861-0155-2048RPM with ADS funktion 2048P, 9-30VDC, bore 12mmШ, IP5 max 500 l/min~ADS
Software kit 01209084~DU5-626391-1024-1024~IS 632 #0251-200~Successor type for ( 06390-180 200Pulse 12-30V )~RS 521
0051-1024 9-30 VDC 1024 i/min~RS 521 0051-512 Ser No.:173660217 Res.:512 ppr 9-30V~RS 522 0051 – 1024 1024P,
shaft:10mmШ Cable:1,5m~RS 530 0151 XXXX shaft:6mmШ 6POL, 9-30VDC xxxx = ???? PLUSE~SPEC 12 pin EML PART NO :
01209090~TYPE 861-0055-1024 1024P, 9-30 VDC, Radial, Bore Ш12mm IP 5 nach EC 529 max.500 1/min~TYPE: 861-0055-2048
2.048P 9-30 VDC 3 kurzschlussFeste Ausgдnge